This information is designed to assist UNT full-time faculty (e.g. tenured, tenure track, professional, librarians, clinical professors) who are interested in applying for external funding through the Fulbright program.

The Fulbright Program, established in 1946, is the flagship international academic exchange program sponsored by the U. S. government and fosters mutual understanding between the United States and other countries. The Fulbright Program encompasses various opportunities, such as teaching/research abroad (Scholar), engaging in international projects abroad (Specialist), and participating in professional development (Fulbright-Hays Seminars).

Choosing an award:

There are several Fulbright Programs (Scholar, Specialist, Seminar) that support different types of global scholarly activities (teaching, research, teaching and research, consulting, professional development).

  • Which Fulbright Program and type of award is most appropriate based on your background and professional goals?
  • How does Fulbright and the type of award support your career trajectory at UNT?
  • What benefit does Fulbright bring to your teaching/research, your department/college, and UNT?
  • What are the requirements for time away from UNT (e.g. dates and duration of the award)?

As a first step, faculty considering applying for an award should initiate a discussion with their department chair/dean about their interest.

Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program

Step 1: Meet with your Department Chair/Dean

You should schedule a meeting with your Department Chair/Dean to discuss your intent to apply for a Fulbright Scholar award. If you meet with just your Department Chair, you should ask your Department Chair to inform your Dean about your intent to apply. Several factors should be considered and discussed during the meeting, including, but not limited to the following:

  • Length and Timing of the Award: The Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program offers awards from several months to up to 12 months with some awards being split over multiple semesters/academic years.
    • Are you eligible for Faculty Development Leave (FDL)? It is highly recommended to combine FDL with a Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program Award.
    • Does the academic calendar of the host country align with UNT’s academic calendar? Many foreign universities have a very different semester schedule than US institutions. 
  •  Impact on your UNT Workload:
    • How will your workload (teaching, research, service) be covered while you are away from campus during your Fulbright?
    • Who will cover your teaching responsibilities?
      • Is it possible to adjust when your courses are offered to accommodate the different semester schedule of your host institution?
      • Will your department need to hire an outside instructor to teach your courses? If yes, will your department need to hire a full-time visiting instructor OR could your courses be taught by a part-time instructor?
      • Can other faculty in your department teach your courses?
      • How will undergraduate and/or graduate student supervision continue or be reassigned in your absence?
    • Who will cover your research responsibilities?
      • Who will supervise your labs in your absence?
      • Who will supervise your research groups in your absence?
    • Who will cover your service responsibilities?
      • What service tasks will need to be reassigned?
  • Compensation and Benefits: The stipend amount for Fulbright awards varies by country and typically will not equate to your full UNT salary. For this reason, faculty are strongly encouraged to time an application for a Fulbright Scholar Award to align with their eligibility for Faculty Development Leave.
    • Is it possible to align the timing of a Fulbright Scholar Award with FDL?
    • If it is not possible to align a Fulbright Scholar Award with FDL, do you expect supplemental funding from UNT to maintain your salary level and have you discussed this expectation with your chair/dean? Please note that there is no guarantee that a request for supplemental funding will be approved.
    • If it is not possible to align a Fulbright Scholar Award with FDL, have you discussed with your chair/dean other leave types and the requirements for UNT approving other leave types outside of FDL?
    • How will your Fulbright award and leave from UNT impact your benefits (health/dental/vision insurance; life insurance; retirement contributions; etc.)?
Step 2: Engage with the UNT Fulbright Scholar Liaisons at
  • UNT has two Fulbright Scholar Liaisons (Drs. Amanda Bennett and Carol Anne Costabile-Heming) who are available to provide you with application assistance and guidance.
  • You are encouraged to contact UNT’s Fulbright Scholar Liaisons as early as possible within the application process. They are available to provide application assistance.
  • You are encouraged to notify UNT’s Fulbright Scholar Liaisons that you applied.
  • You are encouraged to notify UNT’s Fulbright Scholar Liaisons regarding decisions about your application.
Step 3: Planning and Timeline
The application portal for the Fulbright Scholar award opens in February and the application deadline is in September for awards to begin the following academic year.
Step 4: Develop your Application
  1. Identify the Award: Consult for detailed information about the various types of teaching/research awards and eligibility requirements. The competition opens in February of each year.
  2. Prepare Application Materials: Develop your application materials (Project Statement, short essays, CV, bibliography, syllabi, etc.) and seek feedback from UNT’s Fulbright Scholar Liaisons.
  3. Solicit a Letter of Invitation: Identify an appropriate host institution, collaborate with the host institution on your teaching/research plan, and request a letter of invitation, if required or recommended.
  4. Request Two Letters of Recommendation: Identify a colleague within your discipline, who can write a strong letter of support for your project. Identify a UNT colleague/supervisor who can write in support of your application.
  5. Complete the Language Proficiency: Some awards require a level of proficiency in another language. Contact Carol Anne Costabile-Heming for assistance.
  6. Submit your Application: Submit your application package by the deadline in September.

Fulbright Specialist Program

Step 1: Meet with your Department Chair/Dean

You should schedule a meeting with your Department Chair/Dean to discuss your intent to apply for a Fulbright Program. If you meet with just your Department Chair, you should ask your Department Chair to inform your Dean about your intent to apply. Several factors should be considered and discussed during the meeting, including, but not limited to the following:

  •  Length and Timing of the Award: The Specialist awards are for two to six weeks, and the timing is arranged in consultation with the host university/institution abroad. Prior to being selected for a Specialist award, individuals apply and are appointed to the Fulbright Specialist Roster (generally for a three-year tenure).
  • Impact on your UNT Workload: Your Fulbright award may have an impact on your UNT workload.
    • How will your workload (teaching, research, service) be covered while you are away from campus during your Fulbright?
    • Who will cover your teaching responsibilities?
    • Is it possible to adjust when your courses are offered to accommodate the different semester schedule of your host institution?
    • Will your department need to hire an outside instructor to teach your courses? If yes, will your department need to hire a visiting assistant professor OR could your courses be taught by a part-time instructor?
    • Can other faculty in your department teach your courses?
    • How will undergraduate and/or graduate student supervision continue or be reassigned in your absence?
  • Who will cover your research responsibilities?
    • Who will supervise your labs in your absence?
    • Who will supervise your research groups in your absence?
  • Who will cover your service responsibilities?
    • What service tasks will need to be reassigned?
  • Compensation and Benefits: All Fulbright Specialists receive roundtrip, economy-class airfare, a small one-time transit allowance, enrollment in a health benefits program, and a small daily honorarium. In addition, the program covers lodging, meals, and in-country travel expenses.

    It is advisable to complete your Fulbright Specialist award during the summer and/or semester breaks, if possible. However, the timing of the award is dependent on the host institution abroad. If your project occurs during the fall and/or spring semester, then you should have a conversation with your department chair/dean and Academic Resources as soon as possible to discuss your leave of absence (e.g. process for requesting a leave of absence, impact to salary and benefits, etc.).
Step 2: Engage with the UNT Fulbright Scholar Liaisons at
  • UNT has two Fulbright Scholar Liaisons (Drs. Amanda Bennett and Carol Anne Costabile-Heming) who are available to provide you with application assistance and guidance.
  • You are encouraged to contact UNT’s Fulbright Scholar Liaisons as early as possible within the application process. They are available to provide application assistance.
  • You are encouraged to notify UNT’s Fulbright Scholar Liaisons that you applied.
  • You are encouraged to notify UNT’s Fulbright Scholar Liaisons regarding decisions about your application.
Step 3: Planning and Timeline
This program has several application deadlines throughout the year. Deadlines occur in January, March, May, July, September, and November. If approved to join the Fulbright Specialist Roster, you will have a three-year tenure in which you may be matched with a host institution.
Step 4: Develop your Application
  1. Review Award Information: Consult for detailed information about the Fulbright Specialist Roster.
  2. Prepare Application Materials: Develop your application materials (essays, CVs, etc.) and seek feedback from UNT’s Fulbright Scholar Liaisons.
  3. Identify Three Recommenders: Identify 3 individuals to write letters of reference. (Once 2 letters are received, the application moves forward for review).
  4. Submit your Application: Submit application package by deadline.

Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad Program

Step 1: Meet with your Department Chair/Dean

You should schedule a meeting with your Department Chair/Dean to discuss your intent to apply for a Fulbright Program. If you meet with just your Department Chair, you should ask your Department Chair to inform your Dean about your intent to apply. Several factors should be considered and discussed during the meeting, including, but not limited to the following:

  • Length and Timing of the Award: The Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad Program is typically a four-week program offered during the summer (generally in June/July).
  • Impact on your UNT Workload: Your Fulbright award may have an impact on your UNT workload.
    • How will your workload (teaching, research, service) be covered while you are away from campus during your Fulbright, if applicable?
    • Who will cover your summer teaching responsibilities, if applicable?
      • Will your department need to hire an outside instructor to teach your courses? If yes, will your department need to hire a visiting assistant professor OR could your courses be taught by a part-time instructor?
    • Can other faculty in your department teach your courses?
    • How will undergraduate and/or graduate student supervision continue or be reassigned in your absence?
    • Who will cover your research responsibilities, if applicable?
      • Who will supervise your labs in your absence?
      • Who will supervise your research groups in your absence?
    • Who will cover your service responsibilities, if applicable?
      • What service tasks will need to be reassigned?
  • Compensation and Benefits: The Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad typically covers the following expenses: (a) Round-trip economy airfare to and from the faculty member’s home base; (b) room and board for the length of the seminar; and (c) program-related expenses within the host country.

    Participants are responsible for covering the following expenses: (a) pre-departure orientation expenses; (b) passport and visa fees; (c) inoculations; (d) gifts for host country presenters and schools; (e) short-term overseas insurance coverage; (f) books and other curriculum materials; and (g) personal expenses like laundry, souvenirs, etc. stipend amount for Fulbright awards varies by country.
Step 2: Engage with UNT's Fulbright Scholar Liaisons at
  • UNT has two Fulbright Scholar Liaisons (Drs. Amanda Bennett and Carol Anne Costabile-Heming) who are available to provide you with application assistance and guidance.
  • You are encouraged to contact UNT’s Fulbright Scholar Liaisons as early as possible within the application process. They are available to provide application assistance.
  • You are encouraged to notify UNT’s Fulbright Scholar Liaisons that you applied.
  • You are encouraged to notify UNT’s Fulbright Scholar Liaisons regarding decisions about your application.
Step 3: Planning and Timeline
Program announcements typically appear in the fall. In recent years, the application has opened in late fall with a submission deadline in late December/early January. The application timeline is subject to change each year.
Step 4: Develop your Application

  1. Review Award Information: Consult the S. Department of Education for detailed information about the current year offerings. Each year, there is a different location and thematic focus for the Fulbright-Hays Seminar.
  2. Prepare Application Materials: Develop your application materials (3 essays, CV, etc.) and seek feedback from UNT’s Fulbright Scholar Liaisons.
  3. Request Two Letters of Reference: Identify a current/previous supervisor to write a letter of reference. Identify a current/previous colleague or supervisor to write a letter of reference.
  4. Submit your Application: Submit your application package by deadline. The deadline is generally in December or January.

Note: There are several Fulbright-Hays Programs. The Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad Program accepts applications from individuals. Other Fulbright-Hays Programs require that applications are submitted through UNT.

Additional Information: